Thursday, July 3, 2008

Keeping berries fresh

technique from Cook's Illustrated magazine:

One thing that can go bad quickly regardless of whether it's local or not is berries. I'm sure you've had the experience of buying berries, putting them in the fridge, and throwing them out in several days because they're moldy. A solution is to wash berries in three parts water to one part regular white distilled vinegar. This kills mold spores and bacteria on the surface of the berries. Then rinse with cold water. Then spin the berries dry in a salad spinner lined layered with paper towels. Store in a paper towel-lined container with lid ajar to let moisture escape.

I split a batch of wild black raspberries purchased at the Shab Row farmers' market in Frederick. Half the batch I left in the container I purchased them in, loosely covered. The other half I prepared as above. The washed and dried berries are still good one week later (save for one, lone moldy berry). The unwashed half were moldy. The procedure above bought me at least several extra days of good berries.

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